NFT !!!  What a fascinating and an exciting term. Well, what if someone said that whatever you write can be converted into an NFT? Isn’t it quite thrilling ? Here is to turn your Twitter talks into tokens, and also allows you to buy the tweets of other people.

Valuables By Cent is a really smart and simple platform where you can Buy & Sell Tweets which are autographed by their original creators. They operate on Ethereum Blockchain and all the Metadata (Metadata is something that gives information about the data and not the content of the data) is stored on the Matic Blockchain.

Top Tweet sales! There are a lot of high bid tweets that are being sold on VALUABLES,  just like this Donald Duck art sold for a thousand dollars.  You can find more such NFTs on


VALUABLES lets you make offers on any tweet authorised by an account that doesn’t protect it(public tweets only). So keep in mind whose tweets you are aiming for.

Here are a few simple steps which will help you buy a tweet.

  1. Paste a Tweet link into the search bar


Search for a twitter user.

2.Make an offer in USD. The minimum offer is $1 unless there is a higher reserve price that has already been set.

3.Then you select the NOTIFY option, and in order to let the creator know about your offer, reply to their tweet.

These steps are quite simple and direct. There is no deadline for an auction . The creator of the tweet may choose to accept the offer or ignore it forever.
GAS  (A term every bidder should know)

Your offer money will be held “in escrow”   until your offer is accepted or rejected. If you are outbid, you will get a refund automatically. If your offer hasn’t been accepted or outbid after 24 hours, you may cancel it and receive an  immediate refund, excluding the transaction fees. The transaction fee is paid to the ethereum network (not to VALUABLES) and is called gas.

Here are four simple steps to make your own tweet an NFT

  1. Connect your Twitter account to Valuables so that your tweets can be verified.
  2. Add MetaMASK to your browser so that you can interact with the cryptocurrency Ethereum.
  3. Go to your profile and you will see the offers (if any ) and you can accept them.


Paste the url  to your Tweet in the search bar and click

‘Tweet it’  to let your followers know it's for sale.


There are a lot of offers and a lot of sold tweets here!

Anything can be turned into an NFT. Valuables by cent proves it. Anyone’s random tweet could be made into  an NFT, you never know, it could be yours too. Go ahead and visit the webpage