MurAll – A living, breathing digital canvas

It is often quoted that the Earth without art is just ‘Eh’! Team MurAll has taken the definition of commercial art to another level with their unique project. Blockchain has brought with it the ability to create truly non-fungible objects without an established controlling authority and has created a fluid environment sustainable for the introduction of art and expression. Inspired by free murals open to all for incorporating expression, MurAll has opened its doors to everyone interested in making and selling art – but with perks! Allow us to be your window to the artistic world of MurAll.

Credits: MurAll

What is MurAll?

MurAll is a one of its kind 2048 by 1024 pixels on-chain collaborative canvas that “lives” on the blockchain. It is alterable through transactions and has its entire history recorded. The key elements of the canvas are its unrestricted access and freedom of artistic expression. No content is censored or controlled and no user on the blockchain is denied access. Users can draw on MurAll with the PAINT token and their artwork is given to them as a MURALL NFT that can be traded, displayed or sold on digital marketspaces like OpenSea. Though the art created by one user can be drawn on by another due to the independent nature of the canvas pixels, the NFT received by each user is unique and protected.

MurAll can only be covered in its entirety a total of 21 thousand times. This factor draws value for its NFTs and subtly promotes creation of non-plagiarized art. Artists get a palette of 256 distinct colors to choose from while making their art. The canvas uses a 16-bit color space, RGB565, for this purpose. 32-byte objects have been identified to be the cheapest and most gas efficient ones for the transaction data of MurAll, and any objects above this limit are resized to meet the requirement.

The transaction data of MurAll consists of pixel data, metadata (name, number, series ID, etc) and the color index. The team has also managed to minimalize costs by storing the data into event logs on the Ethereum blockchain instead of writing.

Credits: MurAll

The PAINT Token

PAINT is the requisite ERC-20 token for drawing on MurAll. It is non-reusable and resembles actual paint in experience. Also, it has a fixed supply of 22,020,096,000 adding to the value factor of the project. It is only purchasable through participation in the airdrop or buying in the digital market after an airdrop. Each transaction burns tokens, rendering them unavailable for further use in the blockchain. This also means that overtime, the supply of PAINT would decrease and the rarity and value of the artwork would increase. An uphill gradation in the quality of artwork created on the canvas would then become evident.

Credits: MurAll


After completing their artwork, users have the option to ‘mint’ an ERC-20 NFT called MURALL. It is like a snap of the whole MurAll on which their artwork was created, which can be kept or traded by the user. So, what drives the hype around MURALLs? As the distribution of PAINT is limited, there will naturally be a limited number of MURALL NFTs making them scarce and rare for sale. Every user’s contribution to the canvas is trackable through time. The NFTs are coded with a ‘write-once’ approach ensuring the optimal usage of gas.

Frames by MurAll

Recently, in an attempt to strike the balance between functionality and beauty, MurAll has introduced a set of revolutionary NFTs that now allow users to frame their existing NFTs in decorative and rare frames. Not only are they collectible, but they also enhance the value of the existing NFT up by a notch. Frame holders have also been offered a variety of personalized options including access to competitions and VIP floors in MurAll’s upcoming Decentraland headquarters! The maximum supply of the frames has been limited to 4444 numbers.

Credits: MurAll

Contact Team MurAll

Murall is the first onchain collaborative mural on the Ethereum blockchain. See The Evolution. Be The Revolution.







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