
Steven Spielberg’s futuristic film, Ready Player One, described a future where millions of users interact in a massive simulated universe, where digital assets are bought and sold on open marketplaces, and where your actions have consequences similar to the real world. Such concepts, often talked about in works of science fiction, were often considered too unrealistic. Sceptics believed that the technology to simulate and sustain such colossal interactive worlds couldn't be created in the near future. However, recent advances in blockchain technology have proven them wrong.

Let’s talk about MegaCryptoPolis, a city-builder strategy game. Launched in 2018, MegaCryptoPolis is one of the pioneers of using NFTs to run strategy-based games. The game runs on both Ethereum and Tron blockchains. Every single asset in the game is a unique ERC-721 token, that is stored in players’ digital wallets.

What does all of this technology mean? Well, for one, every single asset in the in-game universe, ranging from wood, energy, glass, is unique and can be traded between players. When players begin the game, they purchase a plot of land, and then they can choose to build anything on it, based on their choice. For instance, if the user builds a glass factory, then the factory will produce glass, that the player can, in turn, sell to other players who need glass. You can find out more on how to get started with the game here.

There are several different kinds of assets that players can own and use in the game. The game map consists of several interlocked land plots joined together. Each land plot is a unique NFT, and the pricing, as well as increments in pricing, are hardcoded into the smart contracts themselves. Besides land, players can choose to build various kinds of buildings, ranging from factories to buildings that produce resources like energy and water. One can even construct public transport networks and earn revenue. Players can also buy items like pets and cars.

A variety of buildings can be created by the player on their land

If a player purchases a plot of land, every plot of land surrounding that particular plot rises in value, which in turn creates an additional source of revenue for the players. There are player-owned buildings that produce resources like electricity and water, which are in turn utilised by other buildings. There are even taxes that players have to pay. All of the in-game items owned by the player are stored in the player’s crypto wallet

If a player purchased a piece of land, the price of surrounding land increases

Players can make active choices about how they wish to proceed with the game. Based on their plans, they can build and operate certain kinds of buildings, and earn revenue from them. Alternatively, they can build airports and earn money from transporting items between the two blockchains. They can also earn $MEGA tokens by locking resources into the game’s vault. There is a great degree of freedom in terms of player choices.

MegaCryptoPolis works with two different blockchains - Tron and Ethereum. Each blockchain has a separate macroeconomy and dedicated funds. Individual assets like pets, resources and other items can operate on both blockchains, but to transfer such assets from one chain to another, the player needs to make use of airports, which lends additional realism to the in-game economy.

Recently, to solve the problems of rising transaction fees on the Ethereum network, the developers have implemented the Polygon protocol. Polygon is a Layer-2 scaling solution that serves to reduce transaction costs and increases speeds on the Ethereum network. So, now players only have to pay transaction costs for purchasing new blocks of land. Every other kind of transaction is now free of cost.

One of the principal features of MegaCryptoPolis, the one thing that in my opinion sets it apart from every other strategy game, is how it has managed to use blockchain to create a realistic player based economy, something that traditional strategy games have often lacked. Even compared to games like SimCity, which is one of the most popular city-builder games in recent years, the scale and variability offered by MegaCryptoPolis are unparalleled.

Overview of a typical district

MegaCryptoPolis offers players a user experience unparalleled by any other traditional city-building strategy game. It offers them a chance to earn actual money, delivers a diverse and comprehensive playing experience, and also gives players an introduction to the world of cryptocurrency and NFTs, which helps in spreading awareness and adoption of these novel technologies. MegaCryptoPolis is rising in popularity every day, as more and more users join in, and become part of the game’s rapidly expanding universe.

You can check out the game at You can also stay updated with all the new developments on the game’s Twitter page and their official Discord server.

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