

Aww, that’s a cute-looking Koala over there, so happy! What if I tell you that you can play as this Koala!

Exciting enough isn’t it? So, let me tell you about Flower Patch. So what is Flower Patch? Well, we all like playing games, don’t we? In Flower Patch, you play the role of a fun-loving Koala in Alvita's world. You must build a farm and work with others to collect SEED and earn ETH(Ether) by trading your own custom strains. The genre of this game is Indie. I used the word Ethereum and you must be wondering, what it is? Well don’t worry, I’ve got all the Jargons covered for you.

Ethereum brand assets | ethereum.org

Well, I shall try to explain Ethereum to you through an analogy. Ethereum is like a charger. Yes, your typical mobile charger! As a charger that powers your phone along with some phones of the companies as well, Ethereum is a community-run technology that powers the cryptocurrency ether(ETH) along with many more decentralized applications.

Now that we got ourselves educated on what is Ethereum and what does it do, let us jump back to our favorite Koala.


This is the image of an interactive map that shows you the progress of Flowerpatch, how and when did it grow. You can interact with it on Flowerpatch’s official website https://flowerpatch.app/.

So to add more about Flowerpatch, it is a farming game centered around collectible flower cards. You can plant your FLOWERS in a plot of land, crossbreed your plants with the others nearby, and just like real-life experience hybrid species of plants that are never seen before! As I told you before, in this RPG (Role Playing Game), you play as the adorable Koala. Moreover, you can develop your farm to be the most lavish one, socialize with other players and make friends and be part of this beautiful journey of exploration.


This looks so nice, isn’t it? You can also build your own farm, grow flowers and develop your own landscape like this. Flower patch is a browser game cross compatible with mobile and desktop platforms.

So let’s talk a little about how you can play this game. You have to login by connecting to Flowerpatch

to your MetaMask wallet, then press the cog icon in the top right to unlock your account. The initial gameplay involves tiling tiles which gives you temporary access to the tile on which you can grow flowers. Find land types matching your flower, crossbreed, etc. You can even view your flower growth stats on the back of the card. You can move/remove flowers (without destroying or degrading them).

Now, let’s dive into some in-depth aspects of Flower patch. Flower patch provides you with 5 different terrain types each having its upsides and downsides. Selecting the correct terrain would reward you with features like less plantation water requirement or less growth time. However, not everything is fruitful here! A wrong choice of terrain might result in the same effects just negatively that is, lower yield, more water required, and more growth time. All these aspects of Flowerpatch make it quite similar to the real-world experiences where choosing the correct land type is also necessary and leads to positive outputs. The five-card types are as follows:

  1. Soil
  2. Lava
  3. Sand
  4. Rock
  5. Water

As I discussed above the real-life similarities of this game, won’t it be interesting if we have flowers of different rarity (like ghost orchid which is pretty rare, or a rose which is quite common)? Well, don’t worry as Flowerpatch has also got you covered on this one!

There are five different rarity levels for flower cards, and each one gives different in-game bonuses depending on the type of terrain. The higher the rarity, the stronger the bonuses are, and the fewer downsides. There is a maximum yield for every flower in the game. It is nearly impossible for common flowers to equal that of rare flowers. Legendary flower cards have other bonuses associated with them. They can yield the most of any flowers in the game. The 5 rarities include:

  1. Common
  2. Unusual
  3. Rare
  4. Epic
  5. Legendary

So now you have an overview of what this game has to offer. So dive into the world of Flower Patch and start growing flowers as your favorite Koala.

Official website: https://flowerpatch.app/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoGAOqEbf6jDZYiOlamqjDA

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nugbase

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nugbase/

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/4b8xyjZ