What is COMETH?

It is a blockchain-based multiplayer online game.

It has various interests covered, role-playing, strategy, and exploration, how better could a game on De-fi get!

The players mine, manufacture, trade, get involved in explorations, politics, and combats. Players also earn valuable tokens and craft items. As a player you control spaceships orbiting around giant stars, you travel to far space, to other stars, or also explore the area nearby by interacting with the other players and craft items.


They are Rare, stylish, and one of a  kind.

They can be used to mine asteroids passively or actively. You also can challenge the other players and win their cargo. And of course, they are used to venturing out into uncharted space territories. In the technical world, these Spaceships are NFTs. They can be upgraded with other NFTs such as better drilling tools, engines, or crew members that have effects on the spaceship's abilities

The Story Line

The universe of Cometh is procedurally generated from the blockchain’s entropy. It contains valuable resources that players can dig out of asteroids or out of the other player’s hull. It also contains buildings offering various services which are progressively deployed as the solar system grows activity. The asteroids of Cometh are Smart Contracts carrying all sorts of ERC20 tokens and NFTs, they are generated automatically and are sometimes triggered once a threshold is reached. Cometh exposes its players to a hub of decentralized finance services whose fees are used to create special loot for players.

Now let us look at the various features of Cometh


The guilds in Cometh are communities of players working on similar goals. Every guild is a decentralized autonomous organization. To open a guild there are a few conditions based on the spaceship and MUST token should be pledged. The activity of the members of a guild decides the growth of the influence over the system. Influence decreases when guild members lose battles in this sector.

Crafting Goods

Crafting items is very important as one cannot find everything in the vast open space of Cometh, and to craft goods, you should have the knowledge of recipes and strategies. Players can search for undiscovered recipes and craft items directly on the premises of their spaceship

Recipes are NFTs held by players, guilds, or buildings. They involve respective pool balances to maintain the economic sustainability of the entire cometh universe.

The crafting system relies on ComethSwap in its recipes to bring sustainability to the galactic economy. Let us take an example.

In case of excess fuel being extracted for use, the price of the fuel would drop relative to other resources while the crafting recipes involving fuel would require more fuel, which automatically pressures the price recovery of the fuel.


Uniswap is the standard way for millions of people to freely exchange tokens and provide liquidity on tokens, the providers charge a fee on every swap.

ComethSwap is a fork of Uniswap deployed on Ethereum sidechains. Players will be able to swap without any hassle. The players don’t even have to pay the transaction costs.



MUST is an ERC-20 Token that is the sole of Cometh which Fuels Cometh’s economics. MUST lets players earn new game assets.
While acquiring spaceships from the Cometh protocol, the owner receives a portion of the prices in the form of MUST. It is a precious commodity in the Cometh Galactic universe as it has only 1,000,000 units. Cometh also has a smart contract called TUBE that stores the MUST of the players.


Smart Contracts are digital contracts stored on a blockchain that are automatically executed when predetermined conditions are met. TUBE is a Smart Contract in Cometh. It facilitates several in-game mechanisms like NFT Farming

NFT Farming: MUST stored in the TUBE lets the player unlock NFT based perks, upgrades, spaceships that the players can freely use or transfer

Tokenomics of MUST

Cometh distributes the MUST tokens to players contributing to the game's sustainability. Players holding MUST are able to participate in the governance for the balance of the game and future development prioritization.


Cometh is entirely a universe, that assures fun and benefits of NFTs and all the wonderful features that a blockchain-based game can have. The idea of Space Exploration and earning through NFTs and Transfers makes this entire idea one of the most creative ones.


